55 Awesome Cantharis 30 Uses In Hindi


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It is covered by Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India and Ge. 1x to 2x in water or vaseline for external use. HOMŒOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by William BOERICKE MD. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

Presented by Médi-T CANTHARIS VESICATORIA Spanish Fly CANTHARIS This powerful drug produces a furious disturbance in the animal economy attacking the urinary and sexual organs especially perverting their function and setting up violent inflammations and causing a frenzied delirium simulating hydrophobia symptoms Anagallis. Reckeweg Cantharis Q इन बमरय क इलज म कम आत ह - गल म. Which food contains calcium and phosphorus because I have teeth problem. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

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If skin is broken alcoholic preparations should not be used. Welcome to another video from Dr. Bears repetition very well. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

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You may use phos 6 two dose once daily rept after 6 weaks and also take physostigma 30 twice daily for 3 weeks. 30 तक क बचत. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

Upon the leaves of which they feed. 6 शकत तथ परकत बहर परयग म मल-अरक 1x 2x 3x तथ भतर परयग म 6 30 200 औषध सरद-Chilly-परकत क लय ह. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

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Today Ill be talking about Cantharis medicine - its uses and symptoms. Took Cantharis 30 three times 10 drops daily. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

Homeopathic Cantharis indications uses symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. A homoeopathic tincture is made from the whole dried fly. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

About Cantharis This fly is of the middle and south of Europe appears in the month of May June especially on the white popular privet ash-elder lilac etc. Vikas My name is Alamelu. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

Dilution in boiled water promptly relieves the burning pain. Cantharis 30 uses in hindi

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