56 Best of Polistes Dominula
Polistes dominula There have been two names applied to this species which is possibly an intermittent resident in Britain. Polistes dominula European paper wasp Vespa dominula.
Polistes Dominula By Rmfelix Jungledragon Bee Ants Animals
The cuckoo wasp Polistes sulcifer is an obligate social parasite whose only host is P.

Polistes dominula. Paper Wasp Polistes dominula Bees Wasps Index Bees Wasps Main Stinging Hymenoptera This invasive species has caused great commotion amongst birders and other naturalists. Nest over time. Polistinae found in South Dakota USA. Polistes dominula
Live adult wasps photographed in the wild at DuPage County Illinois USA. 31 Nest over time. Dominula is present from central and southern Europe to Mongolia and China south to northern Africa Israel Iran Afghanistan Pakistan and northern India and introduced in Western Australia. Polistes dominula
Polistes dominula Christ 1791 dominula lady mistress Identification. Gallicus Linnaeus has also been found in Britain but only as a vagrant. Polistes dominula Christ 1791 Laing Ngalan. Polistes dominula
Confusingly the true P. 2 records from this provider. The non-aggressive European Paper Wasp has started replacing native species in some states and provinces. Polistes dominula
Polistes dominula has a proclivity for nesting in and around human shelters and in cavities provided by items such as farm implements machinery trailers and recreational equipment Silagi et al. Polistes dominula Name Synonyms Vespa dominula Christ 1791 Homonyms Polistes dominula Christ 1791 Common names Französische Feldwespe in German franse veldwesp in Dutch Franse veldwesp in Dutch hagepapirveps in Norwegian Bokmål huspappersgeting in Swedish ljus pappersgeting in. The European paper wasp Polistes dominula is a relatively new paper wasp species in North America and has enjoyed a rapid increase in geographical spread in recent yearsIn some areas it is displacing native paper wasps and becoming a significant nuisance pest. Polistes dominula
2 records from this provider. They are fairly slender-bodied insects with a distinct constriction of the body between the thorax and abdomen. Mostly orange antennae diagnostic. Polistes dominula
Mounted specimen Museum mounted specimen Males Nests. May 6 May 12 May 20 May 27 June 3 June 9 June 17 June 24 June 29 July 1 July 8. Polistes dominulais very similar to several Palaearctic species from which it can be separated using the key by Dvořák and Roberts 2006. Polistes dominula
The European Paper Wasp Polistes dominula is a generally black insect marked with yellow. Polistes dominula é unha especie de avespa papeleira cuxa área de distribución inclúe Europa e é unha das especies máis comúns e mellor coñecidas de avespas sociais do xénero PolistesTen unha dieta versátil xa que come insectos de moitos xéneros a diferenza doutras especies de Polistes que só comen eirugas o que a fai superior cando hai escaseza de recursos. According to Matthias et al. Polistes dominula
European Paper Wasp Polistes dominula Detailing the physical features habits territorial reach and other identifying qualities of the European Paper Wasp 11. Insecta Mundi- A Journal of World Insect Systematics 0145. Polistes dominula and P. Polistes dominula
Polistes annularis whose species name is Latin for ringed is also known for its distinctive red body color. Polistes pseudopacificus Giordani Soika 1970 Polistes pacifica Weyrauch 1939 Polistes ornata Weyrauch 1938 Polistes rufescens Buysson 1912 Polistes merceti Dusmet 1903 Polistes maculatus Rudow 1889 Polistes lefebvrei Guérin 1844 Polistes pectoralis H-Sch 1841 Polistes italica Herrich. The European paper wasp Polistes dominula is one of the most common and well-known species of social wasps in the genus Polistes. Polistes dominula
Polistes dominula Christ 1802 taxonomyphylogenetic. The European paper wasp is superficially similar to and commonly mistaken for various yellowjackets Vespula spp. Polistes dominula Christ 1791 Hymenoptera. Polistes dominula
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