77 Cool Haplogroup I1 L22 News
Haplogroup i1 l22 news I1d-L22 was probably born early in the history of I1 in the very south of Scandinavia or in the very north of Germany --- Baltic coast Schleswig or Jutland. Nearly 50 of Norway and Swedens I1 population is I1-BBA.
Family Tree Dna I1d L22 Dna Genealogy History Historical Maps
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Haplogroup i1 l22 news. ISOGGs latest name on it is I1a1b. At this time we do not yet know the name or location of Williams paternal ancestor the earlier progenitor of our haplogroup. Unlike R clade I is widespread in Europe and is virtually absent elsewhere. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
After having established his reputation as a portrait painter in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. Many I1-BBA and virtually all I1-BBB people have the L22 SNP mutation for I1d. I-L22 is often also called the Scandinavian I-subgroup since it has its highest frequency here. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
It is also prevalent in other countries such as the NetherlandsBelgium and Denmark. Famous People tested results showing Y-DNA Haplogroup I1 one is I1-P109 and the other I1-Z14004 see below. The present theory is that I-M253 was dispersed from Denmark and I1-L22 in particular is associated with northern Scandinavians. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
American inventor and painter Samuel Morse 1791-1872 presumably belonged to haplogroup I1-L22 based on results from the MorseMoss DNA Project Family 1 descendant of Anthony Morse 1606-1686 from Wiltshire England. The SNP which defines this subgroup is L22. Additionaly all downstream markers L813 P109 S436 Z719 Z74 are defining this branch as well. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Y-SNP Branch Information on I1-L22. Ht 1 is modal haplotype of the groups within I-L22 which Kenneth Nordtvedt calls ultra-Norse types 29 of which type 2 has the SNP L813 and that branched off between 1500 and 1800 years ago. T he genealogical record shows that our I-L22 haplogroup descended from William Sturdevant of Norwalk who immigrated to Connecticut Colony before 1674. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Since group I1 is so large it has been. Y-SNP Branch Information on I1-DF29. American inventor and painter Samuel Morse 1791-1872 presumably belonged to haplogroup I1-L22 based on results from the MorseMoss DNA Project Family 1 descendant of Anthony Morse 1606-1686 from Wiltshire England. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
As a part of the Pine family DNA project actor Chris Pine was found to belong to haplogroup I1-A13819. I-L22 occurs at greatest frequency in Norway Sweden and Finland. Haplogroup I1 Y-DNA represents one of the two branches of Haplogroup I Y-DNA as defined by the International Society of Genetic Genealogy Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2010. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
It is a subgroup of haplogroup IJ which itself is a derivative of the haplogroup IJKSubclades I1 and I2 can be found in most present-day European populations with peaks in some Northern European and Southeastern European countries. This project is for people who have tested and been assigned the paternal haplogroup I1-L22 and also for people who are believed to have belonged to this paternal haplogroup based on tests done on descendants. These 12 new snps for I1xL22 come from 1000 Genomes project and now are in the FTDNA catalog for ordering. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Subclade I1 Haplogroup I1 Y-DNA is found mostly in Northern Europe while subclade I2 Haplogroup I2 Y-DNA is the most frequent haplogroup in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. This is consistent with the L22 mutation originally happening in a BB individual before the split into BBA and BBB. For further information on a marker please see marker details at Phylotree Y or consult the Y-SNP tree there. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Details on Y-SNP branch I1-DF29. New SNPs from the 1000 Genomes Project and FTDNAs Walk Through the Y WTY Updated 31 October 2011 New I1 Z-series SNPs from the 1000 Genomes Project. Subclade Haplogroup I1 Y-DNA is found mostly in Northern Europe while subclade Haplogroup I2 Y-DNA is the most frequent haplogroup in Eastern Europe and the BalkansPMID 18385274. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Y-DNA Haplogroup I and its Subclades - 2018 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. The Y-SNP branch I1-L22 is defined by L22 S142. Wikipedia 2018 Other groups such as R1B1 come in later and through other migratory routes and is generally considered the Germanic line. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Haplogroup I M170 is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The Y-SNP branch I1-DF29 is defined by DF29 S438. Felix Kjellberg PewDiePie was found to belong to haplogroup I1-L22 according to testing by 23andMe. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
Samuel Morse was found to have carried haplogroup I1 as a part of the Morse DNA project. I1d is a north European clade but it is not as north in origin as the Scandinavian haplogroup although thats where a large fraction of the I1d ended up. He is the known patriarch of the I-L22 haplogroup. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
I1-L22 Y-Haplogroup May 27 2018 This group is open to all people interested in Y-haplogroup i1-L22 GermanicNordic especially people who have tested positive for SNP L22 or have family members who have. At the webpage of the Swedish DNA Project there is a list of which group members who belong to which Y-haplogroup. Remains in the tomb thought to contain Magnus Ladulås 1240-1290 have now been dated 15thC so the remains are NOT Magnus LadulåsHowever a nearby tomb will be tested and results will be posted in 2012. Haplogroup i1 l22 news
After having established his reputation as a portrait painter in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. Haplogroup i1 l22 news